Discover the Advantages of Digital Bonding at Broadbent Orthodontics
Discover the future of orthodontic care and transform your smile with our state-of-the-art digital bonding techniques, tailored to enhance your smile's radiance and confidence.
Unlike conventional methods, Digital Bonding allows orthodontists to bond an entire arch of brackets at once, significantly reducing chair time and the risk of bonding failures. The process begins with a digital design of the patient's treatment plan, ensuring that the desired results are achieved. Custom trays are then created by 3M to deliver the brackets accurately according to the predetermined placement.
Digital Bonding at Broadbent Orthodontic offers a contemporary alternative to traditional braces and aligners. Here are just a few of the benefits:
By bonding entire arches of brackets at once and utilizing precise digital planning, this advanced technique can accelerate orthodontic correction, reducing overall treatment duration for patients at Broadbent.
Increased comfort in orthodontic treatment often results from advanced techniques like Digital Bonding, which minimizes chair time and offers a more efficient and comfortable experience for patients.
Our precise digital planning and custom trays ensure an efficient and comfortable experience, making it the ideal choice for those with busy schedules that are seeking effective orthodontic treatment.
A discreet presence, in the context of orthodontics, refers to a less noticeable or subtle appearance of orthodontic appliances, such as brackets. This allows patients to undergo treatment with minimal visibility.
Digital Bonding is an excellent choice for individuals who are seeking orthodontic treatment and are looking for an alternative to traditional braces and aligners. At Broadbent Orthodontics, our initial consultation is a meticulous process, where we assess your unique dental needs and goals to determine the best path forward.
We value the feedback and testimonials from our patients, as they reflect our commitment to exceptional care and patient satisfaction. Explore the firsthand accounts of successful treatments, compassionate service, and life-changing smile transformations at Broadbent Orthodontics.